Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Out to sea

We are yet again out to sea, commercial fishing in Bristol Bay on the edge of the Berring Sea in Alaska for the summer. We will be home early August and until then Brother Daniel is covering Tim's job as an apprentice electrician for Jerry Beck and Andrea is covering the farm while her husband Elias joins us on the boat. Mom and Dad will be around most of June to run the excavator and take Tilly on long walks.

Small care packages and letters are greatly appreciated:
Ariel and Tim Childers
F/v Whiskey Creek
C/o Leader Creek Fisheries
P.O. Box 449
Naknek, AK 99633

Same phone number as last year and texts are better than calls.

(At Fish Expo in Seattle this summer Ariel won a set of survival suits and life vests for the whole crew.)