Monday, March 7, 2016

Shed, garden, forge

One weekend Ariel said to Tim, "Let's build a shed!" so they went shopping, and there was evening and night on the first day. On the second day, they created floors, and there was evening and night on the second day. On the third day, they created the rest of the framing, and it was good. And then they went back to work for the week.

The rest of the week and into the following weekend, there were no days of rest. Instead, Tim and Ariel put siding up on the shed, painted it inside and out, borrowed Tim's work van to wire lights, outlets, and generator connections inside and out, and laid fake laminate flooring pulled out of the old community college space. While they worked, family came to visit, but still they worked. When they had finished, they were very tired and it was very good.

All the siblings: Amanda, Tim, Krista, and Daniel coming to see the Great Shed.

Tim spent his lunch break pulling out laminate flooring from a building being remodeled to bring it home for our shed, then spent hours after work cutting and snapping it into place with Ariel.

With one day off from work and the company van, Tim wired up the whole inside of the shed with great lighting.

Also, a super-cool pin-timer for the lights, motion sensor lights outside, the main panel and disconnect switch, an automatic transfer switch for the generator, and plenty of outlets. 

We took a break from all the work to see if our forge could melt copper. Spoiler alert: the melting wasn't so successful, but standing around the glowing hot forge and watching the sparks against the dark sky is always a nice way to spend the evening. 

Even with the shop-vac blowing and special coal, the copper didn't get very melt-y

Mom-Joy and Dad-Rich have been visiting to be closer to the doctors of Seattle, but have not been taking this time to rest. Mom

Mom-Joy planting blueberries

Mom-Joy planted four different fruit trees around the property, as well as a set of four blueberry bushes around the cherry tree in our veggie garden, to begin to transform the space into a magical and tranquil place (we did visualization exercises to plan how it will someday be). 

Kale seeds added to the garden next to the peas.

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