Monday, September 16, 2013

Garden Started!!

Woohoo! I dug, tilled, combed, and planted my first tree garden beds today! The center of the turn around in our driveway is now turning into a sunshine of garden beds. The center circle has Tiger's Eye Beans, Empress Beans, Amish Tomatoes, Cylindra beets and Early Blood Turnip beets. One ray has Strawberry Spinach which I am so excited for, Scarlet Nanties carrots, Salsifry which I am also delighted about, and some assorted lettuce. In the second ray, I planted the Dragon carrots, cabbage, Bloomsdale spinach, and the rest of the lettuce. Tomorrow I will try to plant the herbs, but I ran out of time today!

Yesterday there was thunder and lightning all around our house, which brought on a sudden and short lived flood of rain. While it was raining, we discovered our drain system was completely clogged, meaning the water formed a river and made a b-line for eroding our hillside. Today, Tim got as far as inflating our kayak before Dad arrived with a rented 100-foot, super sized, electric drain snake and Tim got busy digging and snaking. I left the property for the first time to buy more drain tubes, and an ice cream bar.
Tim dug down to the clogged drain tube

Then worked the snake up and down until the drain started to unclog in one direction, but the other direction was stuck.

Dad climbed up and down the hill to investigate.

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