This morning, a large spider web completely blocked the doorway to the house. Tim armed me with a long stick and I made my way around the property clearing webs and checking on the gardens. While the rest of the family continued sanding the decks, I set to work clearing the remaining branches that were limbed yesterday and adding them to the chipper pile. After every few armloads, I got to climb on top of the pile as tall as me and jump on the springy limbs to compact them back to a reasonable size. When it was time to head in, I picked as many spiders out of my hair as I could. Moving to my dream farm and cutting my hair have greatly decreased my arachnophobia; between scooping up armloads of branches still happily crawling with spiders, to clambering up and bouncing on this spider-habitat as spiders drop into my hair from the tree above, or no longer having long hair to blame the sensation of webs on my face on... They're just spiders. Not too many bites yet!
I also tilled another sun beam in my front garden and am ready to plant it in the morning. Still so much to do tomorrow before our darling puppy arrives the following day!
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