Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Working dog, Sleeping dog, Beach dog, Trick dog.

Tim's first day of work today - back on his dad's boat getting things fixed up. He came home super jazzed and proud of all the good things he got done. Tilly was a good girl and let me actually get a little work done as well at home. She diligently followed and watched as I moved armloads of wood up from the limbed tree to the wood pile, and took nice long naps or chewed on her toys while I started back on my Masters of Teaching schoolwork. We spent some time down on the beach where she seemed too in awe to move. It's good for the reminder to sit and watch and appreciate. She is quickly taking to her tricks and is getting good at sit, come, high five, down, crawl, heel... working on stay but that one is pretty hard to communicate to an eager puppy. My latest strategy for walks is to carry her 10 minutes away from the house, then let her walk home - which she is so much better at than walking away from all her toys and food. Today was the first time she had an acedent in the house since my parents left (her first day home) though this time I caught her after the first drop and the rest made it outside. Win.

While playing on her towel with all her toys, she grabbed a corner and took off running!

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