Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A little of this, a little of that.

Oy! Whitewashing the barn is a huge amount of work! Yesterday, Tim helped me get the pressure washer going, which made a big difference. It is very important to get the barn as clean as possible before whitewashing because chicken poop neutralize the excellent bug-killing properties. After so much scrubbing, scraping, washing, and sweeping, I was finally ready to get started with the painting. Tim noted that I was doing an excellent job multitasking: getting a head start painting the floor at the same time as the ceiling. I think maybe it was an artistic statement - the white representing tranquility and enlightenment, only being reached through the mess of life, or something. Tim took Tilly all afternoon so I could get through my two gallons of whitewash, though even with that much I am not quite finished with the top half. I'll have to mix up another batch and let it sit over night again. So far, still no baby chicks so I s'pose I have a few more days to get the job done before I have more little critters to fill my hands. 

Also today we had quite a lot of excitement at the house as four men came out to finish up wiring and get started taping off for insulating, sheetrock repair, and and painting. They should be here every day for the next week until the job is done. Woopee!! Our house is coming along.

I thought I'd include a couple pictures from yesterday as well. Tilly went for a very long ride in her milk crate on the back of my bike. She seems to like the ride and got cozy watching the view zip past. We past a spot down the street with an excellent view of our bay. The point in the picture below is our beach separating Honeymoon Bay from the next stretch of beach. We've found a beautiful spot to live.


  1. Yeah I have a comment...nice painting job! you could use some painting cover-allllllls!

  2. Can you use a pump-up sprayer to apply the white-wash to the ceiling?
