Saturday, October 26, 2013

The price is right

Only one Tilly picture today! But I couldn't resist. I remember a few weeks ago when she was so tiny and pouncing on that giant apple as if it were a ferocious beast. Now she is huge and having the same sort of fun chasing after a mischievous ice cube that we had stuffed in her kong. We stopped by the recycling center today where she found more people to adore her, and I saw they were using a giant scale to weigh what was leaving for pricing. I seized the opportunity and stuck the little dog on there - 18lbs! Oy, my arm! I must stop picking her up and carrying her about very soon, which means she must stop eating weird things and trying to get at everything that moves. I will say, I let her walk through Ace Hardware today (where she was of course met with all her adoring fans who commented on how big she's gotten and how mama is finally letting her walk), and she did amazingly well staying out of trouble and even sat when I told her to. She's still cute, even if she's turning huge. And things that don't bite are even cuter than sharp puppy-toothed monsters.

 So we finally got to the Holmes Harbor Rod and Gun Club to pick up our membership and it was AWESOME. There are action-shooting quick draw pits, a rifle range with a wood stove, a whole ton of skeet shooting ranges, and normal pistol ranges. We'll go to orientation in a few weeks and get all squared away. Also, the clubhouse takes a membership key card to get in, then has an awesome restaurant/bar with a slew of events scheduled and an ever-changing menu. I must say, we saw no one shooting on a fine Saturday afternoon in fall, but a few tables full of members in there at the bar.

We found an estate sale just down the street from our house. We expected by mid-afternoon on a Saturday, everything good would be gone, but we were delightfully wrong and made off like bandits. From the estate sale, we could see our lovely beach in the fall sun and a pay full of boats. The two trips to haul all our treasures only took a few minutes, even driving as slow as possible to balance all our lamps. I think our house will be beautifully furnished by the time the floors are done.

- Six lamps (four floor, two table)
- Two tables (for the small lamps, plus one of the floor lamps has a built in table)
- Five wood folding chairs
- Two armchairs
- Two futons (one couch-size, one chair-size)
- One footstool

All for $360, and right on our street! I think we set a new record in our career as "professional garagesalers" for the most lamps in one trip, best deal, and closest to home.

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