Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bubble closing in

I thought they had wrapped up the whole house in plastic yesterday but I underestimated how much plastic there could be. We are now living in a little bubble. There is our room, fairly full of everything we own, then the hall with plastic on the floor and plastic walling off either end so we can walk as far as the bathroom before hitting another wall of plastic, and we have the living room bulging with stuff. The entire rest of the house is all wrapped and taped into a painting zone. Even the washer and drier have been plasticed over. The guys think there will be painting happening tomorrow! Luckily the stairs to the shop are inside our bubble and there is no painting happening down there, so we can make our escape every two hours with Tilly. 

This morning, our family woke bright and early to be the first ones at the vet. Our vet felt Tilly's stomach which was met with happy affection instead of whimpers - good sign! And answered all our questions. Aside from hating her second shot, Tilly did great at the vet and was forgiving of the pain we inflicted on her. Because she was sick and got some anti-nausea and anti-infection shots, the vet felt it would be wise to hold off on her immunizations another week, which doesn't make too much difference as she won't be able to go out in doggy public until the end of the month anyways. Evidently there are also 16-week shots to look forward to and then a week or two after the shots for them to be in full effect. Delays, delays, our theme of the year! But we are glad to have a healthy happy pup and hope she will stay that way. Once the construction is over, I plan a thorough sweep of all things unsafe for puppy consumption.

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