Friday, December 6, 2013

Balloon tricks

Let's see, Tim guided me through installing light fixtures in our apartment, giving us two new light sources downstairs. We waited all day for the floor guy to come to show him the problem spots but he never showed. I chatted online with my Masters of Teaching friend, Bernadette, and we got eachother remotivated to get busy with our papers. 

For lunch and dinner, Tilly worked on her latest greatest trick: bouncing a balloon on her nose! When Min Min came, she blew up a bunch of balloons for Tilly and gave them to her one at a time. Tilly barked at them and attacked them and popped them and ran from them. I had another idea of what we could do with a balloon, in my never ending hunt for new games and challenges for Tilly. Yesterday, I presented Tilly with a balloon which she barked at and ran from until I took it away. Today, I was determined to do better, and after about two minutes of lunch practice and a few minutes over dinner, Tilly was bopping away and ready for the camera! It is so amazing how, once I have properly shown Tilly what I'm looking for, she picks it up immediately. What a smarty-pup!

1 comment:

  1. Really a smart and lovely -lively companion you have there! The fire looks so warm and inviting too. I liked the little woods Tilly made as she was playing. Does she have big barks too?
