Monday, December 9, 2013

Doggy dog day

Tim took off with Fritz for the day to explore the wooden boats of Port Townsend, and I went for a little drive up to Sky Meadow Farm to see about a job with their dog boarding and breeding program. It's not particularly high paying or intellectually stimulating, but it is part time and most importantly, starts immediately. It sounds like, with luck, I'll be working on Friday and starting to bring home some much needed money. Sky Meadow Farm 'breeds' (through artificial insemination and c-section) French and English Bull Dogs, which there seem to be about 30 of in the building. Because of their stubby little noses and such, they aren't supposed to go out side if it's very hot or very cold, which means a lot of pens to clean!

On the home-puppy front, Tilly went for her last pre-paid puppy class and first "adult" puppy class - only one of the dogs was over a year, but they were all over 4 months which gets them out of puppy kindergarten. We missed a puppy class while in Seattle for Tim's surgery, so this was a make-up class for us. Two of the puppies were familiar from the last class, but there were also some older newbies who were still struggling with the basics. Tilly was a model student and spent her waiting time silently sitting, backing up, waiting, then coming over for a treat. If we make it to two more classes, we can take the AKC "STAR puppy" test, though we'll see about our job situation before signing up for anything else. (If you click on that link, note all the Airedales on the banner at the top!)

Tilly's Christmas Wish List for those who were asking:
- Custom decorated extra large metal or ceramic pot (not too tippy) for a water bowl
- Dog brush
- Light up leash for night (and early morning) walks
- Yak cheese chew stick (bigger the better)
- More puppy classes at Canine Potentials in Clinton

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