Saturday, March 8, 2014

For those of you who are now all caught up

Well, my phone is currently waiting patiently in a bag of rice, so there will be no pictures for now - not even of the awesome signs lining the high school hallways today at the workshops that said something like "deposit plant mater here" with a big arrow and a tarp piled with dirt and plant mater. So, it looks like we left off with trying to sell Joe's boat. Oh yeah, tell your friends; yachts, live-aboards, and sport fishing are in!

Picture off the internet of a car like my new one

So... what happened first? The Escort got a tire patched, the Lexus got back from the shop, looking good and leaking minimally, the Escort had that very important belt break just up the street from the house and rolled it's way back down the driveway, then the truck had something funny happen where the clutch won't release so it is thus stuck either in or out of gear. Very scary when you go to start your car with a foot firmly on the clutch and it starts driving forward towards the greenhouse and cliff full speed ahead. Grandpa, Tim, and I loaded into the Lexus and headed for Bellingham in search of a new car. Grandpa reminded us we are desperate and not to return to Whidbey without a second working vehicle. After a bit of confusion, more driving than we cared for, some excellent Thai food, and some deliberation, we had the keys to our new car! The next morning, I promptly delivered the car to the competent people of Les Shuab for all new tires and some diagnostics on what else needs to be done in short order. Tomorrow we have an appointment to have the thing cleaned so I don't get a headache from the excessive amounts of spilled coffee accumulated on every upholstered surface for the last 10 years of heavy commuting. While I've been very excited about my new 2003 Toyota Matrix, Tim has somehow magiced the truck under onto the patio/under the porch without it being able to drive, without going on the grass, without destroying the trellis or vines and has removed the transmission and clutch. All this amounts to further proof that he is an alien - like Superman, but with more superpowers that include transdimensional telekinesis for moving broken cars and parts about, x-ray vision and super human strength for fixing things and MAD AWESOME spelling powers. I regret that I can't take a picture of his newly materialized outdoor covered auto shop complete with truck to better communicate how remarkable his feat is.

Tim is always my hero and I am so amazed by what he does

In other news, I have begun my Master Gardeners training with my good neighbor, Faye. So far, we had our initial meet and greet to learn more about the program, I've been working on the readings and quizzes, and today we all volunteered at this annual gardening workshop in various classrooms where I got to sit in on a lesson about pruning, a class on succulents which included free samples for our planting pleasure, and a lecture on soil. Oy, aside from the Master Gardeners class and working with little Oliver and Abby and buying a car and hanging out with Tilly, and fighting this never-ending cold of many phases, I have also been renewing my efforts to get my Masters of Teaching done. I was writing a paragraph a day for a couple days there before we set out to get the car and I fell ill again. Also, Tilly has been taking up a little more time as she has decided she is afraid of the stove which would be fine if it wasn't right next to the front door and utterly ridiculous. We can set off fireworks feet from her, she will run along on the exhaust side of the moped, but the side of the stove is scary. When it started, she wouldn't be in the same room with it or even half way down the hall, which was pretty limiting in our small house. Now she will lick peanut butter off it as long as my hand is also there and we do a little working up to it. Hopefully this won't last too much longer - and she was just starting to reliably go to the door to be let out!  

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