Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pitter patter of tiny feet

How can I think of anything else when they're so cute? You know you can click on the pictures and make them bigger and a slideshow, right? Anyways, I know you all are holding your breath waiting for more pictures of the chicks and care about little else, so without further ado...

We had been doing our best to enrich their environment in the boxes in our house...
...but the peeping persisted and late-night squabbles, until it was time to go to the big house!

Isn't is lovely out? Spring is marvelous! The whole property is in bloom and we've been walking the beaches every day. So lovely to be here!

So, Tilly diligently followed me as I brought two chicks at a time to their new digs.
With the help of a few worms, they were soon racing around the room like mad 
(as seen here - lead chicken has worm, 12 or so chasing after at top chick speeds).

You will note the excellent job Tim did building a barricade around the door for easy entry and viewing, and the excellent job my staple gun and I did on those chicken wire windows.

They look pretty happy to me! At 10 days old they are already roosting pretty well.

Other doings... mom stained the deck! And we had an excellent dinner of corn on the cob (which the chicks appreciated), local oysters, and yummy mushrooms and asparagus. Pretty much shopping (for all those wood shavings you see above and their super cool new food bowl to be altered as they get larger) and staring at the chicks took up most of the day. I think we are still tired from all that burning.

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