Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Press Release

So I think I alluded to this, and made the announcement on facebook and to some extent through email, but not yet through our blog: I've started a business! www.CraftsOnWhidbey.com "Workshops and crafting parties for adults, kids, or mixed age groups. Scheduled or on demand." Last night, we had a practice drop-spindle spinning class with Grandpa, Mom, and Tim all bravely agreed to learn to spin just for me. To all of our surprise, they enjoyed it! And they did well at it! Amazing! So with that hurdle passed, I'm ready for my first real class. Today I picked up my brochures and fliers from the printer and hung up nearly all 30 fliers around the island, as well as scoping good places for the brochures. Anyway, if you could frequent the site a bit, that would make the traffic go up and the Google search placement go up?

Additional somewhat related exciting news: today I got a loom! Tim has been working hard on an older couple's property fixing machines and doing yard work and today he came home with a beautiful four-harness floor loom, about 40" wide - for those of you who are "fiber-phobes", that's a really awesome, expensive loom! I now have a loom, a spinning wheel, a serger, and a really nice computerized sewing machine and thus can be a properly snootie and well-equipped fiber crafter, with a dedicated room increasingly set up for it.

On the chick front, we have a purple bird. One chick was picked on pretty badly a few days ago and has been stuck in a box ever since to have some quiet healing time. Today, Mom and I gated off the section of the hen house under the future nest boxes to make a deluxe chick hospital with proper visitation, heat, and enrichment. Additionally, I picked up some "Peck-no-more" from the farm supply store and painted the little bird with the purple goo. She didn't seem to appreciate it as much as you might hope, but hopefully it will give her a better chance to heal.

Have I mentioned we're now a two-dog family? Sanch, Brother Tim and Sister Krista's dog, is staying with us for the next couple weeks until they find out if he's going on the NOAA boat with them as the new mascot. The first day, the two terriers weren't too sure about living together but things are settling in to a good routine of two long walks on the beach a day and lots of practice with their obedience training.

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