Monday, September 30, 2013


Life here keeps getting better and better. I'm delighted to be keeping a record so I can remember all the great things that are going on as we settle in. Today's major accomplishment: unloading our entire storage box. Something to be thankful for: moving everything in to this house was so much easier than moving in or out of our little yellow house in Juneau. Even moving the 700lb metal lathe out of the box and into the downstairs area was simple, quick, and easy instead of the all day, all hands, massive undertaking it was to get it in and out of the shop before. Instead of weeks of detailed planning, we used some scraps of wood and a few bolts to make ourselves a dolly, then slid the whole thing down the ramp and rolled it across the threshold. The living room is now bursting with piles of things, so hopefully downstairs will be finished soon and we can move things in and get organized. Until then, we are moving forward with all the other exciting happenings. I set up our baby chick nursery in preparation for their arrival any day now. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day I can get started on adding windows to the hen house and giving the inside a thorough cleaning.

Also tomorrow, our friend Ray is moving on to the next stop on her adventures - boarding a plane to fly towards Japan. It's great to have visitors to share our magnificent island with. While we were up visiting our neighbor the pony again, Ray pointed out another interesting, beautiful type of mushroom which she says consumes itself to create and spread its spores.

Tim has been busy today sharpening blades and researching our "lawn tractor" and doing plenty of cuddling with Tilly.

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