Friday, November 8, 2013


This is the amazing view I opened my eyes to this morning! From my bed, in my house, in my room, I can see the ocean, the field, and our new floors. I arranged the furniture nicely, but then Tilly wanted to snuggle and be up on the chairs with me, so we pushed them all together - much less trouble that way.

During our morning walk, we joined Sandy, Fay, and John and headed over for some coffee. They are getting ready to replace their stairs to the beach. Our stairs, four doors down, follow a relatively gradual hill down 160 steps. This is looking from the edge of their yard down approximately the same distance, but in a matter of feet; quite the drop off.

Eventually I promise to start posting about things other than Tilly, like farming and such, but until then, I can't help myself, she's just so precious! And she has Sandy, who's the perfect babysitter.


We did manage to do something useful today other than stare lovingly at the little one. Tim built an awesome workbench from left over wood to get our shop up and going. We made some progress on moving the upstairs down like sweeping the floor, scrubbing the sink, and scraping bits of toilet sealer and plaster out of the new flooring compound so we can eventually reattach the toilet - wouldn't that be a nice thing to have!

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