Tuesday, November 12, 2013


As you can see, the living room is looking wonderful after yesterday's cleaning frenzy, and by morning, the kitchen will have followed suit. Our kitchen downstairs is becoming cluttered and full of beautiful things as the upstairs becomes stark and pristine. I've been scrubbing every surface in sight, inside and out, and carrying armload after armload downstairs, siphoning away the abundance. Tim and Zac did their part following my directions to "bring everything outside, inside" which meant trying to figure out if the washing machine and oven that have been outside for months still work (looking good on both accounts after much unexplained beeping), stacking doors against every wall, and making a large pile for tomorrows dump run. Tilly was a lucky pup and got to go to the vet yet again today, for her last batch of shots between now and getting spayed. Woohoo! She is now safe from parvo and rabies, what could be better for a dog? Unfortunately, she came away from it with the runs and has been making frequent dashes for the grass, looking up at me desperately with those eyes until I understand what she needs and comply. Hopefully it is a short term side effect. After our Holmes Harbor Rod and Gun Club orientation meeting, Tim took Zac to Seattle while I continued my scrubbing efforts. Before leaving and amid the cleaning, Zac took us out to lunch and insisted I pick the place, so we all discovered our new favorite restaurant; The Basil Cafe, full of delicious Asian foods with a friendly guy running everything and reasonable prices. The man who seems to own the place offered to let us wash dishes for dinner next time. We are hoping he's serious and planning to follow up. 

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