Thursday, November 7, 2013

Model student

Last night was a long night for Tim of getting up every couple hours to check that the boat hadn't escaped from the dock from the strong winds but us girls were much luckier and finally got some sleep after I kept everyone up the night before with something much less fun than bad weather. Tilly was amazingly good on the boat all last night and today! ...Well, aside from when we first arrived and failed to realize she would be best off staying in her kennel. 

This morning, after two months and one week of trying to get in touch, my Cottey sister, Elisa and I finally met up! She and Tim finally met each other and her and I did some catching up at a little Tea and Yoga place up the street from the docks in Oak Harbor. We were both sick, so the tea was the draw and not any physical movement. Oh, and Elisa's mom sent along her favorite pair of shoes so I would have something other than slippers to wear and Tim wouldn't have me making off with his shoes and coat all day. 

Tim and I packed up our things from the boat and with me feeling much more chipper than yesterday, we headed back to our house for a quick stop before it was time for Tilly's class. What a delight to go home and smell nothing! And see our beautiful floors and finished house all ready for us to move in! Unfortunately, Tilly and I had no time to swoon as I needed non-pink-elephant clothes and real shoes and we were off to puppy class. 

This time, instead of being half an hour late, we were the first ones to Puppy School, giving us plenty of time to scout the place out and get comfortable. The familiar puppy faces came in one by one, putting us in a much better place for winning at the attention game. The instructor slipped me a bowl of the good treats and Tilly was the perfect pup. We could walk right up to another wiggling bundle of cuteness, and Tilly would sit inches away, still only paying attention to me. It is wonderful to have a highly food-motivated little girl. During puppy playtime, rather than all chasing each other around like mad, the puppies found an odd game of going from person to person, sitting patiently and collecting treats. We thought we would have a few minutes of them distracted with each other, but instead we had mobs of little obedient pups making the rounds to collect the rewards. Even the instructor was surprised by them. As you can see below, it really was All of the puppies, and none of us were safe from those irresistible eyes. 

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