Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Oh my head.

How can our heads hurt so much?! How can we still be sick!? All the dust really can't be helping. But in a few more days, we should be moving into a nice, clean, sealed, painted, dust free, mold free, pollen free, dirt free, rodent free, spider free... space. The crew came today - about four guys, who got busy cleaning all the floors down there, covering the walls, and sealing the concrete. By early afternoon they were packing up and heading home. They'll come back on Thrusday and check on things. If all looks good, they'll put in the micro-topping (to make it all pretty) then, and we should be moving in to our new home soon! I hate to say it, because things tend to be delayed, but right now it looks like we will have plenty of time to spare (like a whole week!) before Grandpa arrives. Between naps for us sick ones and walks for that little dog of ours, we started replacing the furnature back into the rooms where they belong today. Yesterday, I got down on hands and knees with a sponge and scrubbed the tape residue from the edges of the floors in the bedrooms and hallways and vacuumed those spaces repeatedly. Today was some mattress moving and things like night stands, lamps, and artwork. In a couple weeks, we'll have this place looking even better than when Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and the uncles left.

In other news, we stopped by the pet store to grab a new, extra large yak cheese dog chew for our ever-growing puppy. These are great treats as they seem even harder than the smoked hoof or deer antler we have for her, they don't smell nearly as bad as the hoof, and she loves them. Unfortunately, the ones we got for her a month ago when she was but a wee thing, now are so small they get lost in her mouth and are no fun to chew. The girl at the counter heard my woes and said they key is to put the small pieces in the microwave for about 45 seconds and they puff up into something new and delicious. Skeptically, we tried this, and sure enough, something wonderful was born. Tilly threw the thing into the air and chased it about for quite a while before they had to be separated for puppy nap time and so I could eat my dinner in peace.

Speaking of puppy nap time, I think it's Ariel nap time with this terrible headache. Tim seems to have perked up from his sickliness earlier today, so his turn with the puppy for the rest of the night. I would say the chance of pictures in the next couple days is not looking great. I got some homework done, but most of our cleaning is going to wait a few more days for the floors to be finished and The Great Move-In. If I find that cord, I will remotovate myself to take pictures. There will definitely be pictures of the new floor, one way or another! Oh, I know why I don't have a cord anymore! A certain puppy chewed straight through it when we were not watching closely enough and mistakenly assumed she was being good and chewing her toys. Woops! I guess it will be a replacement then.


  1. Is Tilly part Amish? Related to a rabbit we once knew? Or maybe she is growing camera shy from all the paparazzi fawning over her? Hope you get your photo cord soon, and hope you feel better soon. Mum

  2. Thanks mom! I suppose having an Amish puppy would have its perks, but I think her fur has just the right amount of curl without any electrocution. We've been saving our big scary "NO!!" for potty on the floor and chewing on electrical cords. Fortunately there has been very little of either. A few more weeks after some time to settle into the new house, and I will work on starting to grant her more freedom. Until then, she's stuck being my little short haired Rapunzel.
