Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oh poop! A chicken coop!

We had the perfect weather conditions today for getting that chicken house cleaned! It was sunny and warm with a good strong breeze that sucked all the dust I was stirring up straight out of the chicken house. It was a little warm, which left me making the tough decision between being crazy hot while working hard in long sleeves, long pants, tall boots, and a hoodie, or leaving gaps in my garments for powdered poop, cobwebs, and dislocated spiders. I went with being too hot and sticky and left my hood, goggles, face mask, head scarf, long sleeves, overalls, gloves and xtra tuffs in place - it's the only way I could face that many spiders and that much poo. I built myself a ladder (2 feet wide and 6 feet tall for scale) and got busy using the hoe and broom to eradicate all unwanted particles. There's still a few chunks of mess plastered to the floor, and a couple spots I need to get the folding ladder to reach on the ceiling, but it's looking pretty good.

Cleaning the barn isn't the only thing the weather was perfect for. All afternoon I could see sailboats in the bay enjoying the beautiful day. 

Tim's been working exceptionally hard fixing up both our vehicles. Tilly is working on learning to watch patiently without trying to bite things. So far we're not quite there. 

I also applied for my first job today! The Waldorf school on the island is looking for a middle school sewing teacher one day a week. That sounds like a great way to get started and get involved in the community. I hope I get an interview.

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