Saturday, October 5, 2013


Today was one of those days I didn't spend time thinking about the past or the future, but just being content with exactly how life is. For the first time in two weeks, I wasn't focused on taking care of Tilly the best I can and looking forward to her growing up, but instead I had the opportunity to sit back, relax, and enjoy her exactly the way she is right now - mouth full of grass and all. 

Tim decided to spend one more day at home to get our truck up and running, fixing the tail lights, ordering parts, and helping me with my barn, bike, and house projects.

We successfully installed two opening windows in the barn and the chicken house now has far more light, ventilation, and the best view a chicken could ask for.

Now I have no excuses left to put off the thorough cleaning and whitewashing of the hen house. Hopefully tomorrow will be the day. 

 Tilly went for her first bike ride with me today. After Tim gave me a hand attaching my bike racks, I strapped on a milk crate, made a cozy nest in the bottom and we went for a ride. On the way home, she got to run and sniff along side a slow bike ride. Now that she seems to have doubled in size from two weeks ago, carrying her part way for a longer walk is getting less appealing, and I'm looking forward to making it all the way to town with her under our own power. Also, she is quickly getting stronger and faster and as much as I would like to go for runs with her, I'd rather start getting her used to bicycles now than make plans to go for six runs a day with a growing dog who will soon be running for 15 minutes and more at a time.

I found a sunny spot in the grass this afternoon in the corner of our yard (actually, on the edge of our neighbors as they have a better cared for yard and a whole lot less troublesome things for Tilly to put in her mouth) and brought out some toys for Tilly. She spent half an hour rolling down the hill clutching various toys and looking the happiest I have ever seen her. She strayed a little too close to the neighbors grass clippings pile and seized the opportunity to grab a large mouthful of it. She ran in a big circle at top, happy speeds before crashing directly into my arms and spraying dead grass everywhere. Maybe eating a little grass every once in a while isn't the end of the world.

Oh! And the best news of the day - our electrician stopped by today and got a ton of work done. According to Dad, it looks like we might be ready to call for the flooring next week! We may still be moving in by Tim's birthday.

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